July 2023 Newsletter

We look back on a successful June and forward to the promise of July.

Missed the first ReThink Energy Camp, you can sign up for the second session. Join us for for a week-long sessions on July 17-21.
Energy Camp is a fantastic opportunity for children rising into grades 3-6 to learn more about the environment.
The deadline to apply for the second session is July 13. Get in your interest form in today!
Register here:

On July 29, 9:30am-11am ET, ReThink will host a clean up at Anita Davis Preserve at Lake Henriette Park. We request all who love Mother Nature to join us.
We also want to thank everyone who participated in the Lake Ella Drive Clean up on June 17. Because of you, this event was a huge success. Again, ReThink thanks you and your community thanks you.
Register here to get more information as it becomes available:

The August Power Hour is August 24 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Our focus is greater engagement in the legislative process before legislative session starts.
We will discuss:
1. In-District Meetings
2. Legislative Delegation Meetings
3. Committee Weeks
Register here:

As we celebrate our nation’s independence, ReThink continues to work towards a world free of the negative climate and social effects of dirty energy. We invite you to exercise to be generous in your support of a better country and better world beginning in Florida.
Please contribute to the great work ReThink performs daily please make that one time or recurring gift.

Energy Innovator Award
REF’s Energy Innovator Awards recognize outstanding service to the community and forward thinking.
You can make a nomination for this year at the button below:

Last year’s Energy Ball was the talk of the town. Well guess what? This year’s Energy Ball will be even better.
Save the Date
September 22, 2023
Learn more about Energy Ball by clicking below:

Recent SEED Successes
In early June, our SEED team attended the Southeast Region Environmental Justice Summit in Atlanta, Ga. During this five-day summit SEED presented its work, discussed successes, shared challenges and ways to address them, and spoke about future goals and funding.
In the community, our neighbor team is on the ground conducting surveys and initial home assessments. This work will continue into the month of July.
Learn more here:

Volunteers help us keep our communities beautiful, as well as reach community members to educate them about clean energy.
Again, thank you.
Below are additional opportunities in the coming weeks:
- Help on Tuesday, Thursday, and/or Saturday mornings to canvass our SEED neighborhoods and leave doorhangers about our program.
- Energy Camp on July 17-21. Chaperone/drivers as well as people to help at camp are needed
- Energy Ball Committee needs to plan, solicit silent auction items, and bring in sponsors.
If you can help, click the button below:

ReThink Educational Achievements
The education team partnered with Girls 2 Divas for the Collards and Cornbread event at the iGrow Garden.
The Youth Outreach team finished Science Club activities for the Fall/Spring 2022/2023 at Pineview and Sabal Palm Elementary Schools.
Youth Outreach hosted STEM Activities at Magnolia School.

Sea Level Rise is Real
The Upper Limit team drafted model resolutions for cities and worked with Rafe Pomerance on presentations.
Insurance costs will rise along with sea levels, ReThink Energy continues to join others to call for an Upper Limit to Sea Level Rise in Florida and on coasts around the nation and beyond.
Floridians can now tap a new online tool to see their flood risk and insurance costs as sea levels are projected to keep rising.

The Tally 100 worked with the City of Tallahassee to vet a Clean Energy Plan along with drafting and submitting public comment to Department of Economic Opportunity’s Weatherization Plan.
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