Volunteering with ReThink is a rewarding prospect, where you can put your passion for community outreach, renewable energy solutions, or advocacy to a good cause.
Please select your volunteer interests from the ones listed below. Then fill out the form by clicking on the “sign up” button.
- Energy Camp: Help finalize the curriculum, or, during the camp, help to chaperone/drive for field trips or come in for a portion of one of the camps.
- Energy Ball Committee: The Energy Ball Committee needs help planning, soliciting silent auction items and recruiting sponsors.
- SEED Canvassing: There are many opportunities to canvas our SEED neighborhoods and leave door hangers about our program. For more information, please contact Te’Rel or Shelia.
- Help with Fundraising/Writing Grant Proposals
- Help with tabling in my area
- Lead a chapter in my area: recruit members, create flyers, or network with local leaders
- Help with the Youth Education Program (including the Young Environmental Leaders Program): Visit schools, plan educational STEM activities
- Help with Carbon-Free Communities: Support Tally 100% Coalition or other local campaigns
- Volunteer with the Communications team: make and distribute flyers, take photos, share events on social media, assist with emails and postings, assist with communications research, edit drafts, etc.
Want to become an intern? Click here!
Ages 8-18 and interested in volunteering? Click here!
Main Office
Kim Ross
Executive Director
603 N Martin Luther King Jr Blvd
Tallahassee, FL 32301
(850) 888-2565