ReThink your Diet:The Connection between Energy and Food
Event details
- 06-25-2020 19:00 to 07-16-2020 20:00
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ReThink your Diet:The Connection between Energy and Food
Zoom link
06-25-2020 19:00 to 07-16-2020 20:00
June 25, 2020
ReThink your Diet:The Connection between Energy and Food
Zoom link
06-25-2020 19:00 to 07-16-2020 20:00
June 25, 2020
Join us for a four part webinar class on the connection between Energy and Food, and how to switch toward a plant-based diet. Join fellow humans Ed and Linda Oaksford as they describe their reasoning and process for shifting to a plant-based diet, and provide tips and guidance for you to make the shift yourself!
When: Thursdays, 7pm: 6/25, 7/2, 7/9, and 7/16
Where : Receive the Zoom link by registering below or watch on Facebook Live here!
Weekly Themes:
6/25: The What and the Why: Click here for the Facebook Live Recording
7/2: First Steps
7/9: Tips and Tools
7/16: Moving Forward: Obstacles and Challenges
Join us on Zoom:
Meeting ID: 979 5952 0090
Password: 102740
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Meeting ID: 979 5952 0090
Password: 102740