Here are follow-up materials from the Too Hot to Work Webinar on 9/15/21
Click here for the recording of the webinar.
Slides: From Union of Concerned Scientists and WeCount
Here are links shared in the chat:
Links for Union of Concerned Scientists Report, Too Hot to Work:
Too Hot to Work report resources are here:
Interactive Mapping Tool:
Find Congressional District Fact Sheets in English and Spanish:
More information on climate action being considered by Congress:
Too Hot to Work resources in Spanish:
Links for the Panelist and Co-Sponsor organizations:
The Union of Concerned Scientists puts rigorous, independent science to work to solve our planet’s most pressing problems. Joining with people across the country, we combine technical analysis and effective advocacy to create innovative, practical solutions for a healthy, safe, and sustainable future. For more information, go to
ReThink Energy Florida’s mission is is to educate, engage, and empower Floridians to take action and achieve a just transition to clean energy for a healthier, more sustainable environment through youth education, adult engagement, and community organizing. Receive our Newsletter here:
The Farmworker Association of Florida’s long-standing mission is to build power among farmworker and rural low-income communities, to respond to and gain control over the social, political, economic, workplace, health, and environmental justice issues that impact their lives. Find more information on the Farmworker Association of Florida here:
Read about the work by FWAF and Roxana Chicas:
Florida Clinicians for Climate Action engages health professionals to learn about the health harms of climate change and advocate for equitable solutions that protect public health and preserve a sustainable future. Learn more about Florida Clinicians for Climate Action:
The study mentioned by Dr. Toms:
Dr. Holder’s TED Talk is a must watch!
WeCount! is a membership-based organization. As a workers’ center, we are a community union of low-wage workers in immigrant-dense industries in South Florida, including agriculture, day labor, and domestic work. Find out more about WeCount!:
Links from participants:
The National Farm Worker Ministry ( featured heat stress in our Farm Workers and the Environment series. See our focus at
Heat Safety in the Workplace: Modified Delphi Consensus to Establish Strategies and Resources to Protect the US Workers
The above link provides effective heat safety recommendations within eight heat safety topics: heat hygiene, hydration, heat acclimatization, environmental monitoring, physiological monitoring, body cooling, textiles and personal protective gear, and emergency action plan implementation. The consensus document from 51 experts will be a helpful reference for any heat illness prevention program.
References for benefits of tree canopy:
American Forests has a lot of great information on the benefits of tree canopy and various resources including a tree equity tool
UF Shimberg Center will begin work on a NOAA RISA grant which aims to connect heat, health, and affordable housing practitioners/academics across the US. Southeastern region.
National Conference on Worker Safety and Health (COSHCON21) , in early December,
Climate and energy issues are woven into many of the investments in the $3.5T reconciliation package. For example, as of about a month ago, there was $198 billion allocated to the Clean Energy Payment Program and other initiatives. There’s an additional $67 billion for Environment and Public Works, which would include things like investments in energy efficiency and a tech accelerator for clean energy innovation. There may be a more up-to-date version of this, but here’s some info from last month:
Florida Health Justice Project:
Research on heat stress and heat-related illness and outcomes of preventive measures in outdoor workers -link
Emails from panelists, organizers, and participants:
Kim Ross: or
Dr. Kristy Dahl:
Meenakshi Chabba:
Dr. Catherine Toms, FCCA: Also,
Neza Xiuhtecutli:
Oscar Londoño, WeCount!:
Alicia Race, Union of Concerned Scientists,
Andrea Galinski, interested to connect with anyone interested in nexus of heat, health, and affordable housing for collaboration/coordination on the new NOAA RISA project through UF.